Kite Progression Pakage
Progess and learn new things. For kitesurfers and Wingers who are looking to further improve their riging skills on all levels.
If you have had a long break from kitesurfing and want to get back into it
You have been kiting for some time but feel that you are somehow stagnating
May be you have been working on a new trick but you cant see any progress
Or you simply want to learn a new move and wish to learn from an experienced rider & instructor
You have never been riding on a strapless board and like to get into it
Or try foiling the first time
then this is your package. We take you from where you are at to the next level.
It includes:
Kite equipment rental for your entire stay
3hrs private professional coaching from an IKO certified instructor
Launch and landing service
Kite equipment storage
IKO license issue or upgrade
The price varies depending on type of accommodation and lenght of your stay and whether you bring your own equipment or not.